Certification of 1. The registered office, principal business activities, particulars of its holding, subsidiary and associate companies; 2. The shares, debentures and other securities and shareholding pattern of the company; 3. Indebtedness of the company; 4. The members and debenture-holders along with alterations connected to them since the end of the previous financial year; 5.The promoters, directors, key managerial personnel along with alterations connected to them since the close of the previous financial year; 6. Meetings of members or a class thereof, Board and its various committees along with attendance details; 7. Remuneration of directors and key managerial personnel; 8. Penalty or punishment imposed on the company, its directors or officers and details of compounding of offences and appeals made against such penalty or punishment; 9. The matters relating to certification of compliances and disclosures as may be prescribed; 10. Its Shareholding pattern; and 11. Such other matters as required in the form.
The Writer is a Practicing Company Secretary with more than 30 years in project consultancy. He can be contacted for queries or assistance at the following address:
CS Joseph Sequeira
Practicing Company Secretary
Delfina Apts, Opp. Rosary Church,
Caranzalem, Panaji, Goa - 403004
Email : josephcf@yahoo.com
Phone: +91 8380087153.
Website: www.csjoseph.in
Disclaimer The information given in this document has been made on the basis of the provisions stated in the Companies Act, 2013. It is based on the analysis and interpretation of applicable laws as on date. The information in this document is for general informational purposes only and is not a legal advice or a legal opinion. You should seek the advice of legal counsel of your choice before acting upon any of the information in this document. We are not responsible for any loss, claim, liability, damage(s) resulting from the use, omission or inability to use the information provided in the document.